*btw, I never remember to set the date on the camera. this pic was taken last September after the horrendous storm that took out the top of the old maple in our front yard.*
It's been a lovely weekend. Friday (for whatever bloomin' reason), I wasn't ready for sleep, even though I'd only averaged about four hours a night for the last four days. I caught up on some emails, played a little WoW, and watched three movies. Can't Hardly Wait, The Princess Diaries (ha, you thought I was going to say Bride, didn't you *grin*), and The Game Plan. Finally, about 3.00 AM, I was sufficiently tired enough to go to bed. 8.00 AM rolled around, and I was wide awake (damn).
Mr. Realist had a golf outing with one of our best friends on Saturday (notice I said 'our,' not 'his' or 'my'. Chili Man Josh has been our friend since college), and I was volunteered to help. It wound up that Kayla and I walked around the course backwards, getting team pictures, while Sheree (Josh's fiancee) and Crystal (Christa?) took the cart and got action shots. Yes - they got the cart, Kayla and I WALKED 18 holes! Wasn't so bad...had I known that I was going to be doing that much walking, I would have worn my trainers and NOT my airwalk sandals! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my airwalks, but today, the balls of my feet hurt something fierce. Boo. We stayed at Josh's house, ordered pizza, nursed sunburns and drank gallons of water (got to counteract all the sun and the alcohol consumed on the course, right?).
Sunday, got up, came home, showered and headed for Oma & Opa's for Mr. Realist's birthday dinner. Every year, we get to choose what we want for her to make for dinner and she does, no matter how weird or common. She has mine down to a science: fried chicken, smashed taters, some kind of veggie, salad, and pie. I love cake, don't get me wrong, but a White Pie is just smashing!
I'm working on a new knitting project - dishcloths. Grandma V (Mr. Realist's mom's mom) crochets dishcloths every year for the daughters and granddaughters for Christmas. I love them, but they're just too big, honestly, for doing the dishes. They're probably better used for hand drying towels! I made the comment to her Mother's Day weekend that I'd like to find a knitting pattern for them, and she had one. She mailed it to me, I whipped one up (for me, three hours is 'whipping it up' and it's a small project), washed it, and gave it to Oma to try. I'm not going to make up a bunch of them if they uber-suck at doing what they're supposed to do! My friend Jen found me a site with a bunch of them on there...and they're free! Woot woot - free is always good! I found a skully one that Adam Graphics loves (he wants one in hot green), I love (and it will look good hanging in my bathroom as a drying towel for Halloween [note to self: learn to knit faster!]), and even Mr. Realist thinks it's cool. I'm going to try it with some scrap material to see if I like it enough to make one really big.
I can't WAIT for next weekend when I get to see the summer camp I attended as a youngling and was a counselor for two years in high school again. I haven't been down there in 13 years (nah, it's not bad luck). Camp's been around for 50 years this summer, and I'm going to show Mr. Realist what I see when I reminisce about this place. I hope he finds it as beautiful as I did. If not, I might actually be crushed.
Be safe out there,
Mrs. Dreamer